It is not uncommon for drug or alcohol rehab facilities in Island Lake, IL. to offer their clients payment help, for those people who are not able to pay for a portion of or all of the costs associated with rehab. How much payment help that is offered is often based on each client's income and living circumstances. Payment help can also be offered in the form of government grants which are used to subsidize the operation of the particular drug or alcohol rehab facility the individual is wishing to receive treatment at. Other payment help provided by some drug rehab programs in Island Lake, IL. is known as a sliding fee scale, which is a reduced fee arranged based off income and other factors. To find out about what forms of payment help are offered it is best to consult with a treatment counselor who can review each individual's circumstances on a case by case basis and help those in need to arrange for payment help when necessary so that they can get started in life saving recovery.