





Addiction Treatment in Elgin, TX.

Addiction treatment in Elgin, Texas is offered to help men and women overcome the potent hold that drugs and alcohol can take when somebody gets caught up in addiction. There are hundreds if not thousands of individuals in Elgin, TX. who have to have addiction treatment, but they are either in denial about their addiction or ashamed of it. In either case, if they don't receive addiction treatment in Elgin, TX. there are inevitably going to be serious consequences. These consequences typically come in the form of social and economic decay where people lose their family and everything they have worked for, or health consequences because of the results that addiction can have on one's body and mind. There are also legal consequences if one's addiction leads them into a life of moral decay, where one will do anything to get more drugs or help their habit. Addiction treatment in Elgin, Texas can put an end to this life of decay by fixing addiction at its source. The initial step will be getting the particular person through detox and withdrawal, but successful addiction treatment goes much further than just the physical facet of addiction. The causes someone becomes involved in addiction in the first place are very personal, and the person may not even be mindful of these concerns until they are found through intensive counseling which takes place as part of addiction treatment. Some people use drugs to cover up mental trauma or social inequities, and these issues will be resolved in addiction treatment in Elgin, TX. so that the person can live their life without the need to use drugs as a solution. If you or a person you know is in need of addiction treatment in Elgin, TX., contact an inpatient drug treatment facility in the area to get your questions answered and get help today.

Additional Information on Drug Addiction and Treatment

22 treatment listings in or near Elgin, Texas:

Burning Tree Lodge
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Burning Tree Lodge is located at:

122 Fisher Street
Elgin, TX. 78621

If you would like to contact Burning Tree Lodge, you can reach them at 512-285-5900.

Burning Tree Lodge offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Long-Term Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Services, Dual Diagnosis Clients with Mental and Substance Abuse Problems, Drug Treatment for Individuals with Hiv/Aids, Drug Addiction Treatment for Women, Drug and Alcohol Rehab for Men

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab
La Hacienda Treatment Center
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La Hacienda Treatment Center is located at:

145 La Hacienda Way
Hunt, TX. 78024

If you would like to contact La Hacienda Treatment Center, you can reach them at 830-238-4222.

La Hacienda Treatment Center offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Detoxification Services, Short-Term Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Services, Long-Term Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Services, Dual Diagnosis Clients with Mental and Substance Abuse Problems, Drug Addiction Treatment for Women, Drug and Alcohol Rehab for Men

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage
University of TX Medical Branch Hosp
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University of TX Medical Branch Hosp is located at:

301 University Boulevard
Galveston, TX. 77555

If you would like to contact University of TX Medical Branch Hosp, you can reach them at 409-772-1011.

University of TX Medical Branch Hosp offers the following treatment services: Outpatient Rehab Services

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage
Alpha Home Inc
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Alpha Home Inc is located at:

300 East Mulberry Avenue
San Antonio, TX. 78212

If you would like to contact Alpha Home Inc, you can reach them at 210-735-3822.

Alpha Home Inc offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Long-Term Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Services, Dual Diagnosis Clients with Mental and Substance Abuse Problems, Drug Treatment for Individuals with Hiv/Aids, Drug Rehabilitation for Gay and Lesbian Individuals, Drug Addiction Treatment for Women, Rehab for Court Appointed Clients

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage, Payment Help
Santa Maria
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Santa Maria is located at:

713 West Adoue Street
Alvin, TX. 77511

If you would like to contact Santa Maria, you can reach them at 713-691-0900.

Santa Maria offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Outpatient Rehab Services, Drug Addiction Treatment for Women

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Payment Help
Phoenix House Academy of Dallas
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Phoenix House Academy of Dallas is located at:

2345 Reagan Street
Dallas, TX. 75219

If you would like to contact Phoenix House Academy of Dallas, you can reach them at 214-296-0394.

Phoenix House Academy of Dallas offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Outpatient Rehab Services, Short-Term Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Services, Long-Term Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Services, Addiction Treatment for Teenagers

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage, Payment Help
Lutheran Soc Servs of the South Inc
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Lutheran Soc Servs of the South Inc is located at:

25752 Kingsland Boulevard
Katy, TX. 77494

If you would like to contact Lutheran Soc Servs of the South Inc, you can reach them at 281-392-7505.

Lutheran Soc Servs of the South Inc offers the following treatment services:

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab
Pampa Regional Medical Center
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Pampa Regional Medical Center is located at:

1 Medical Plaza
Pampa, TX. 79065

If you would like to contact Pampa Regional Medical Center, you can reach them at 806-665-3721.

Pampa Regional Medical Center offers the following treatment services: Inpatient Hospitalization Programs

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage
Urban Inter Tribal Center of Texas
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Urban Inter Tribal Center of Texas is located at:

1261 and 1283 Record Crossing
Dallas, TX. 75235

If you would like to contact Urban Inter Tribal Center of Texas, you can reach them at 214-941-1050 x202.

Urban Inter Tribal Center of Texas offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Outpatient Rehab Services

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage, Payment Help
Alcohol Drug Abuse Council
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Alcohol Drug Abuse Council is located at:

134 West College Avenue
San Angelo, TX. 76903

If you would like to contact Alcohol Drug Abuse Council, you can reach them at 325-224-3481.

Alcohol Drug Abuse Council offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Long-Term Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Services, Drug and Alcohol Rehab for Men

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Payment Help
Dallas County Juvenile Department
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Dallas County Juvenile Department is located at:

414 South East RL Thornton Freeway
Dallas, TX. 75203

If you would like to contact Dallas County Juvenile Department, you can reach them at 214-860-4301.

Dallas County Juvenile Department offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Outpatient Rehab Services, Addiction Treatment for Teenagers, Rehab for Court Appointed Clients

Payment forms accepted:
Adapt Programs LLC
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Adapt Programs LLC is located at:

2512 North Velasco
Angleton, TX. 77515

If you would like to contact Adapt Programs LLC, you can reach them at 979-480-3327.

Adapt Programs LLC offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Outpatient Rehab Services, Addiction Treatment for Teenagers, Dual Diagnosis Clients with Mental and Substance Abuse Problems, Drug Treatment for Individuals with Hiv/Aids, Drug Rehabilitation for Gay and Lesbian Individuals, Drug Addiction Treatment for Women, Drug and Alcohol Rehab for Men, Treatment Services for Individuals with DUI/DWI, Rehab for Court Appointed Clients

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage, Payment Help
Innerwisdom Inc
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Innerwisdom Inc is located at:

10777 Stella Link Road
Houston, TX. 77025

If you would like to contact Innerwisdom Inc, you can reach them at 713-592-9292.

Innerwisdom Inc offers the following treatment services: Outpatient Rehab Services, Dual Diagnosis Clients with Mental and Substance Abuse Problems

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage
Shannon Medical Center
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Shannon Medical Center is located at:

2018 Pulliam Street
San Angelo, TX. 76905

If you would like to contact Shannon Medical Center, you can reach them at 325-659-7300.

Shannon Medical Center offers the following treatment services: Inpatient Hospitalization Programs

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage
Nexus Recovery Center Inc
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Nexus Recovery Center Inc is located at:

4525 Lemmon Avenue
Dallas, TX. 75219

If you would like to contact Nexus Recovery Center Inc, you can reach them at 214-321-0156 x2100.

Nexus Recovery Center Inc offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Outpatient Rehab Services, Drug Addiction Treatment for Women

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage
Dallas Challenge Inc
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Dallas Challenge Inc is located at:

201 South Tyler Street
Dallas, TX. 75208

If you would like to contact Dallas Challenge Inc, you can reach them at 214-942-5166.

Dallas Challenge Inc offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Outpatient Rehab Services, Addiction Treatment for Teenagers

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Payment Help
Hazel Street Recovery Center
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Hazel Street Recovery Center is located at:

1217 Hazel Street
Texarkana, TX. 75501

If you would like to contact Hazel Street Recovery Center, you can reach them at 903-791-0385.

Hazel Street Recovery Center offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Short-Term Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Services, Long-Term Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Services, Addiction Treatment for Teenagers

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage
Scott and White Alcohol and Drug
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Scott and White Alcohol and Drug is located at:

2401 South 31st Street
Temple, TX. 76508

If you would like to contact Scott and White Alcohol and Drug, you can reach them at 254-724-2585.

Scott and White Alcohol and Drug offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Detoxification Services, Outpatient Rehab Services

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage
Turning Point Inc
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Turning Point Inc is located at:

9111 Eastex Freeway
Houston, TX. 77093

If you would like to contact Turning Point Inc, you can reach them at 713-884-2642.

Turning Point Inc offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Outpatient Rehab Services, Addiction Treatment for Teenagers, Dual Diagnosis Clients with Mental and Substance Abuse Problems, Drug Treatment for Individuals with Hiv/Aids

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab
Timberlawn Mental Health System
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Timberlawn Mental Health System is located at:

4600 Samuell Bouelvard
Dallas, TX. 75228

If you would like to contact Timberlawn Mental Health System, you can reach them at 214-381-7181.

Timberlawn Mental Health System offers the following treatment services: Inpatient Hospitalization Programs, Dual Diagnosis Clients with Mental and Substance Abuse Problems

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage
Hunt Regional Medical Center
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Hunt Regional Medical Center is located at:

4215 Joe Ramsey Boulevard East
Greenville, TX. 75401

If you would like to contact Hunt Regional Medical Center, you can reach them at 903-408-1600.

Hunt Regional Medical Center offers the following treatment services: Inpatient Hospitalization Programs, Outpatient Rehab Services

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage
Best Recovery Healthcare Inc
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Best Recovery Healthcare Inc is located at:

9211 South Main Street
Houston, TX. 77025

If you would like to contact Best Recovery Healthcare Inc, you can reach them at 713-661-0971.

Best Recovery Healthcare Inc offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Outpatient Rehab Services, Drug Addiction Treatment for Women, Drug and Alcohol Rehab for Men

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab


Drug Rehab By City