





Addiction Treatment in Southlake, TX.

Addiction treatment in Southlake, TX. is readily available to help individuals overcome the powerful hold that drugs and alcohol can take when someone gets caught up in addiction. There are hundreds if not thousands of people in Southlake who need addiction treatment, but they are either in denial about their addiction or ashamed of it. In either case, if they don't receive addiction treatment in Southlake, TX. there are inevitably going to be significant consequences. These consequences normally come in the form of social and economic decay where people lose their family and everything they have worked for, or health consequences because of the effects that addiction can have on one's body and mind. There are also legal consequences if one's addiction leads them into a life of moral decay, where one will do anything to get more drugs or assist their habit. Addiction treatment in Southlake, TX. can put an end to this life of decay by resolving addiction at its source. The very first step will be getting the person through detox and withdrawal, but effective addiction treatment goes much further than just the bodily facet of addiction. The reasons somebody becomes involved in addiction in the first place are very personalized, and the person may not even be mindful of these troubles until they are uncovered through intensive counseling which takes place as part of addiction treatment. Some individuals use drugs to cover up mental trauma or social inequities, and these concerns will be resolved in addiction treatment in Southlake so that the person can live their life without the need to use drugs as a solution. If you or somebody you know is in need of addiction treatment in Southlake, TX., contact an inpatient drug treatment program in the area to get your questions answered and get help today.

Additional Information on Drug Addiction and Treatment

22 treatment listings in or near Southlake, Texas:

Grapevine Valley Hope
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3.9 miles from Southlake, Texas

Grapevine Valley Hope is located at:

2300 William D Tate Avenue
Grapevine, TX. 76051

If you would like to contact Grapevine Valley Hope, you can reach them at 817-424-1305.

Grapevine Valley Hope offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Detoxification Services, Outpatient Rehab Services, Short-Term Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Services

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage
Lena Pope Home Inc
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6.4 miles from Southlake, Texas

Lena Pope Home Inc is located at:

625 Grapevine Highway
Hurst, TX. 76054

If you would like to contact Lena Pope Home Inc, you can reach them at 817-255-2652.

Lena Pope Home Inc offers the following treatment services: Outpatient Rehab Services

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage
MH MR TC Mid Cities Clinic
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9.3 miles from Southlake, Texas

MH MR TC Mid Cities Clinic is located at:

4525 City Point Drive
North Richland Hills, TX. 76180

If you would like to contact MH MR TC Mid Cities Clinic, you can reach them at 817-569-5800.

MH MR TC Mid Cities Clinic offers the following treatment services: Outpatient Rehab Services, Dual Diagnosis Clients with Mental and Substance Abuse Problems

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage
Millwood Hospital
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9.7 miles from Southlake, Texas

Millwood Hospital is located at:

190 Civic Circle
Lewisville, TX. 75067

If you would like to contact Millwood Hospital, you can reach them at 972-906-5522.

Millwood Hospital offers the following treatment services: Outpatient Rehab Services, Day Rehab Services for Drug and Alcohol, Drug Rehabilitation for Gay and Lesbian Individuals

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage
Behavioral Health and Family Services
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11.3 miles from Southlake, Texas

Behavioral Health and Family Services is located at:

896 North Mill Street
Lewisville, TX. 75057

If you would like to contact Behavioral Health and Family Services, you can reach them at 866-943-7779.

Behavioral Health and Family Services offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Outpatient Rehab Services, Short-Term Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Services, Addiction Treatment for Teenagers, Drug Rehabilitation for Gay and Lesbian Individuals, Drug Addiction Treatment for Women, Drug and Alcohol Rehab for Men, Treatment Services for Individuals with DUI/DWI, Rehab for Court Appointed Clients

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage
Crossroads Recovery
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Crossroads Recovery is located at:

5552 South Hampton Road
Dallas, TX. 75232

If you would like to contact Crossroads Recovery, you can reach them at 214-339-3181.

Crossroads Recovery offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Detoxification Services, Outpatient Rehab Services

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Payment Help
Center for Success and Independence
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Center for Success and Independence is located at:

3722 Pinemont Drive
Houston, TX. 77018

If you would like to contact Center for Success and Independence, you can reach them at 713-426-4545.

Center for Success and Independence offers the following treatment services: Outpatient Rehab Services, Dual Diagnosis Clients with Mental and Substance Abuse Problems, Drug Treatment for Individuals with Hiv/Aids, Drug Rehabilitation for Gay and Lesbian Individuals, Rehab for Court Appointed Clients

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage
San Marcos Treatment Center
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San Marcos Treatment Center is located at:

120 Bert Brown Street
San Marcos, TX. 78666

If you would like to contact San Marcos Treatment Center, you can reach them at 512-396-8500 x3245.

San Marcos Treatment Center offers the following treatment services:

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage
Brazos Valley Council on Alc and SA
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Brazos Valley Council on Alc and SA is located at:

405 West 28th Street
Bryan, TX. 77803

If you would like to contact Brazos Valley Council on Alc and SA, you can reach them at 979-823-5300.

Brazos Valley Council on Alc and SA offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Long-Term Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Services, Drug Addiction Treatment for Women, Drug and Alcohol Rehab for Men

Payment forms accepted:
Methodist Specialty Transplant Hosp
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Methodist Specialty Transplant Hosp is located at:

8026 Floyd Curl Drive
San Antonio, TX. 78229

If you would like to contact Methodist Specialty Transplant Hosp, you can reach them at 210-575-8112.

Methodist Specialty Transplant Hosp offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Detoxification Services, Inpatient Hospitalization Programs, Dual Diagnosis Clients with Mental and Substance Abuse Problems, Drug Treatment for Individuals with Hiv/Aids, Drug Rehabilitation for Gay and Lesbian Individuals, Drug Addiction Treatment for Women, Drug and Alcohol Rehab for Men, Rehab for Court Appointed Clients

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage
Nexus Recovery Center Inc
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Nexus Recovery Center Inc is located at:

4525 Lemmon Avenue
Dallas, TX. 75219

If you would like to contact Nexus Recovery Center Inc, you can reach them at 214-321-0156 x2100.

Nexus Recovery Center Inc offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Outpatient Rehab Services, Drug Addiction Treatment for Women

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage
Addiction Treatment Resources
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Addiction Treatment Resources is located at:

1505 Harroun Street
McKinney, TX. 75069

If you would like to contact Addiction Treatment Resources, you can reach them at 972-548-0209.

Addiction Treatment Resources offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Outpatient Rehab Services, Dual Diagnosis Clients with Mental and Substance Abuse Problems, Drug Treatment for Individuals with Hiv/Aids, Drug Rehabilitation for Gay and Lesbian Individuals, Drug Addiction Treatment for Women, Drug and Alcohol Rehab for Men, Treatment Services for Individuals with DUI/DWI, Rehab for Court Appointed Clients

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Payment Help
Counseling and Recovery Services
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Counseling and Recovery Services is located at:

705 Malone Street
Tomball, TX. 77375

If you would like to contact Counseling and Recovery Services, you can reach them at 281-351-8585.

Counseling and Recovery Services offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Outpatient Rehab Services

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab
Central Texas Veterans HCS
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Central Texas Veterans HCS is located at:

7901 Metropolis Drive
Austin, TX. 78744

If you would like to contact Central Texas Veterans HCS, you can reach them at 512-823-4040.

Central Texas Veterans HCS offers the following treatment services: Outpatient Rehab Services, Dual Diagnosis Clients with Mental and Substance Abuse Problems, Drug Rehabilitation for Gay and Lesbian Individuals

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage
La Haciendas Solutions
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La Haciendas Solutions is located at:

2100 Kramer Lane
Austin, TX. 78758

If you would like to contact La Haciendas Solutions, you can reach them at 512-835-1994.

La Haciendas Solutions offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Outpatient Rehab Services

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage
Texas Treatment Services LLC
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Texas Treatment Services LLC is located at:

3780 NW Loop 410
San Antonio, TX. 78229

If you would like to contact Texas Treatment Services LLC , you can reach them at 210-736-4405.

Texas Treatment Services LLC offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Outpatient Rehab Services, Drug Addiction Treatment for Women, Drug and Alcohol Rehab for Men, Rehab for Court Appointed Clients

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab
Anti Aging and Longevity Center of
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Anti Aging and Longevity Center of is located at:

8021 East RL Thornton Freeway
Dallas, TX. 75228

If you would like to contact Anti Aging and Longevity Center of, you can reach them at 214-328-4848 x14.

Anti Aging and Longevity Center of offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Detoxification Services, Outpatient Rehab Services

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab
Pegasus Schools Inc
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Pegasus Schools Inc is located at:

896 Robin Ranch Road
Lockhart, TX. 78644

If you would like to contact Pegasus Schools Inc, you can reach them at 512-376-2101 x113.

Pegasus Schools Inc offers the following treatment services: Dual Diagnosis Clients with Mental and Substance Abuse Problems

Payment forms accepted:
Burke is located at:

4632 NE Stallings Drive
Nacogdoches, TX. 75965

If you would like to contact Burke , you can reach them at 936-558-6200.

Burke offers the following treatment services: Outpatient Rehab Services, Dual Diagnosis Clients with Mental and Substance Abuse Problems

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage, Payment Help
Pecan Valley Centers for Behav and
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Pecan Valley Centers for Behav and is located at:

1715 Santa Fe Drive
Weatherford, TX. 76086

If you would like to contact Pecan Valley Centers for Behav and, you can reach them at 817-599-7634.

Pecan Valley Centers for Behav and offers the following treatment services: Outpatient Rehab Services, Dual Diagnosis Clients with Mental and Substance Abuse Problems, Rehab for Court Appointed Clients

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Personal Health Coverage, Payment Help
Devereux Texas Treatment Network
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Devereux Texas Treatment Network is located at:

120 David Wade Drive
Victoria, TX. 77904

If you would like to contact Devereux Texas Treatment Network, you can reach them at 361-575-8271.

Devereux Texas Treatment Network offers the following treatment services:

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab
BHG Center Treatment Center
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BHG Center Treatment Center is located at:

1110 Teneha Street
Center, TX. 75935

If you would like to contact BHG Center Treatment Center, you can reach them at 936-598-6608.

BHG Center Treatment Center offers the following treatment services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs, Outpatient Rehab Services

Payment forms accepted: Self Pay Drug and Alcohol Rehab


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